Friday, May 13, 2016


Welcome to my journey. With this blog I endeavor to capture my life’s story in hopes to inspire others. I have a story. I have quite a story. My story starts from birth, a child neglected, abused, unwanted. A story of pain, a story of obesity, a story of depression, oppression, and even a story of shutting down and just trying to die.

I’m writing this blog to capture words, thoughts, memories, moments not only to inspire through the blog, but to eventually put into a book as well. I will journal thru this blog some daily events and I will also add moments from my past. I hope by doing so, by being vulnerable enough to put my life out there, to be able to inspire others; to be able to help others see that they are worth it; To help others be able to realize the fight is worth it; to help others realize they are not alone.

As I write this blog I’ve lost almost 170 lbs to date. I still have a ways to go but the very first hard point of being vulnerable, I will admit through all my shame, through all my fears that my starting weight through this all was almost 500 lbs. My highest most miserable weight, my darkest most sorrow filled time in my life peaked at 498 lbs.

One thing in my life I have always dealt with was the pain of always smiling to everyone’s face and no one knowing the tears that flowed inside. I always had to love others and give my all to others, for others, but no one knew my real demons. No one knew my real pain. No one read thru my eyes what was really going on. Sometimes I was angry. Sometimes I hated people because of this. But really I couldn’t blame anyone but me. If you don’t share, how can anyone know?

I hope as I write this blog to unfold everything, to be vulnerable enough so that others can find any piece of my life, my journey to help them.

Through it all, I have turned in a 180 degree difference of who I used to be. My journey has healing, weight loss, mind change, mind set, joy, peace, happiness, confidence, strength, determination and more. YOU TOO can find all these. YOU TOO should be worth it! In fact, YOU ARE WORTH IT TOO. I hope through my journey and sharing, you find how you are worth it as well.

I look forward to sharing though it will have times that will be humiliating and difficult to share (as I already did today). If you want to gossip about my pains, my vulnerabilities, it’s ok that is your problem and it won’t hurt me. I want to help those who want to be helped. And that will be a key thing. Nothing I say or anyone says or does can help you find hope, help, healing or weight loss until you are ready for that change. I hope to help encourage and help you find that change.

Please feel free to comment messages if you have questions. I endeavor to blog often.

Much love and peace be with you all.

My journey from July 2015 - April 30, 2016


Anonymous said...

This is Kat and this comment is a test . . . . .

Rhonda Thornhill said...

I am in spired by you... I'm not sure how you managed to start to loose that's where I'm stuck at now 230# and hurt so much that when I'm off all I can think of is eat then rest and sleep.

Kat said...

Thank you Rhonda and I'm sorry you're stuck. I do get it. But please don't give up honey! I hope as I blog more some words will resignate and help you find your start. Never forget YOU ARE WORTH IT as well my dear! Love you where you are right now. Your tomorrow will come. Much love! Kat

Anonymous said...

I love being part of the journey you embarked upon a few months ago to gain control of your health. Shedding weight is so symbolic Kat. I believe so strongly that obesity has a psychological component, linked to our childhoods and the abuses we suffered.

I am excited for you my dear friend. Proud that you chose to stop the destructive cycle. I pray that with every pound you drop the the bad feelings and emotions that have imprisoned you also leave, never to return.

You are a beautiful woman and I am so proud to call you friend. I am with you all the way. Kick ass girlfriend!

Now, I look forward to the day when you can pull on those size 14 jeans I gave you! Woo Hoo Hot Mama

Unknown said...

My dear friend as "Anonymous" I love you and I appreciate all you are in my life. We're kicking ass together my friend! Thank you for being there.

Don and Ange said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Don and Ange said...

​Kat, you are really doing a great job. Ange and I both respect and admire you for overcoming. We know that what you have accomplished will help a lot of people and we believe your honesty and willingness to share lends a lot of credibility to others out there who are going through many similar ordeals. Weight is a problem for me also, and I'm looking forward to reading all that you have to share. Your pictures show that it can be done.​

Unknown said...

YAY DNA!!!! My hero's you helped me fix it - thank you!!

Unknown said...

DNA - thank you both - I love and appreciate you both and hope my words find a place for you as well.

Don and Ange said...

Aww goober, goober, goober. *Makes loud snuffling noises. Runs back of forearm across their noses.* lol

bettytheloon said...

Dear, sweet Kat your bravery is awe inspiring. I so admire you.

Unknown said...

Thank you my Dear Alice. You know how much I love you!!!